The compromised self: the dissection of subjectivity in Hermann Broch’s Psychological autobiography


  • Ángel González de Pablo Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Self, Subjectivity, Psychological subject, Hermann Broch, Auto-analysis


Hermann Broch was convinced of the veracity of psychoanalysis and was under psychoanalytical treatment several times in his life with well-known analysts: Hedwig Hoffer-Schaxel, from 1928 to 1935, Gustav Bychowski between 1939 y 1940, and Paul Federn, from 1943 to at least 1946. Broch also wrote in 1942/1943, while finishing The Death of Virgil, his Psychological Autobiography and its Appendix. Both writings, never intended to be published by his author, were thought as a kind of auto-analysis aimed to clarify, within a Freudian conceptual framework, two problems: the tension between sexuality and production, and the repercussion of the mother’s figure. But the approach to these questions resulted in the transversal and progressive emergence of a reflection upon the self and the way of preparing it to action, of increasing its involvement, in sum, of recreating it aesthetically and ethically. This paper puts in context and studies this compromised self, that subtle blend of psychological analysis, aesthetical theory and moral philosophy that shaped Broch’s subjectivity.


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How to Cite

González de Pablo, Ángel. (2013). The compromised self: the dissection of subjectivity in Hermann Broch’s Psychological autobiography. Asclepio, 65(2), p015.


