From degenerationism to extermination in Nazi Psychiatry: From Arthur de Gobineau and Benedict Morel to Emil Kraepelin and Ernst Rüdin




History of Psychiatry, History of Anthropology, Degeneration Theory, Nazism, Extermination


This article analyses, from the link between psychiatry and anthropology, how an organicist discourse capable of legitimizing both, nazi extermination and eugenic policies in democratic countries, was consolidated. We depart from 19th century theory of degeneration and contrast the ethnic and racial facet of Arthur de Gobineau with the alienist facet of Benedict Morel, until reaching the synthesis of Cesare Lombroso. We highlight the link that Emil Kraepelin established between the “degeneration” of individuals and that of races, pointing out to the Jews, as determinative in the scientific consolidation of Rassenhygiene in which Adolf Hitler based its Mein Kampf. We stress the justification for “destroying life unworthy of live”, that emerged from the assemblage between psychiatry and justice, as determinant in the Third Reich transition between forced sterilization and extermination. We approach the forced Euthanasia Program through the important political role of Ernst Rüdin, Kraepelin’s successor and founder of genetic psychiatry. We conclude that National Socialism took to its maximum expression the logic of death inscribed in the theory of degeneration. Finally, after a reflection on post-war reactions and alternatives, we highlight the contemporary persistence of both biological determinism and legal inequality that marked the fate of the first victims of nazi extermination.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Pérez, B., & Comelles, J. M. (2023). From degenerationism to extermination in Nazi Psychiatry: From Arthur de Gobineau and Benedict Morel to Emil Kraepelin and Ernst Rüdin. Asclepio, 75(2), e31.




Funding data

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Grant numbers FPU16/05459

Ministerio de Universidades
Grant numbers FPU16/05459