Legitiming psychiatrists rather than curing patients. The shock therapy in Buenos Aires, Argentina (1930-1970)





Shock Therapies, Psychiatric Practices, Medical Texts, Disciplinary Legitimation, Argentina


This research aims to explain the theoretical and clinical use of shock therapies in Argentine psychiatric field, particularly in the province of Buenos Aires between 1930 and 1970. It is argued that it is necessary to study the theoretical and clinical psychiatric work, in order to learn how psychiatrists interpreted mental pathology. Thus two distinct scenarios are analyzed: first academia, emphasizing on medical texts expressing discussions held at congresses, conferences, university chairs, and secondly in hospital settings, represented by a population of chronic patients in a hospital on the outskirts of the Capital Federal, the Esteves Hospital of Lomas de Zamora. The use of shock therapy in the hands of psychiatrists, changed the way of understanding madness and transformed the daily course of hospitals. Therefore, the presence of such therapies was relevant to legitimize the discipline, regardless of the “effectiveness” with patients.


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How to Cite

Golcman, A. (2017). Legitiming psychiatrists rather than curing patients. The shock therapy in Buenos Aires, Argentina (1930-1970). Asclepio, 69(1), p176. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2017.08


