Aristotle and the medicine




Aristotle, Medicine, Historia animalium X, Problēmata, Anonymus Londiniensis


None of the treatises in the Corpus Aristotelicum is directly concerned to medicine, this leading the majority of scholars to contend that Aristotle did not paid attention to that discipline. But, in other way, there is who argues that Aristotle should have necessarily been acquainted with the principles of the medical art, so that it is very likely that Aristotle enquired on medicine. Almost two different reasons are adduced in this sense: the oft-repeated use of medical analogies in Aristotle’s opera, and the allusions to some medical writings by Aristotle himself. In giving a critical description and assessment of both arguments, this paper also aims at clarifying the issue by bringing up into discussion the contents in the Anonymus Londiniensis papyrus.


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How to Cite

Crespo Saumell, J. (2017). Aristotle and the medicine. Asclepio, 69(1), p169.


