The Spanish Institute of Entomology (CSIC) and the bothered crowd


  • Carolina Martín Albaladejo Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC
  • Antonio Notario Gómez Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Montes
  • Alfonso V. Carrascosa Santiago Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC



History of Spanish National Research Council, Institute of Entomology Spanish, Gonzalo Ceballos, Applied entomology, Forest pests


The Spanish Institute of Entomology (IEE) was founded in 1941, direct heir of the former Entomology Section of the National Museum of Natural Science. Among the tasks assigned to the new Institute was to provide “to the interested centers the data resulting from the work that he made with insects with economic and public health significance”. Gonzalo Ceballos was appointed Director; his proposals, alongside the work of the institutions responsible for forest management, turned up the IEE into one of the driving forces of many initiatives in this field. His management also provided an excellent opportunity to meet the objectives for which the Institute was conceived. Three forms of participation were distinguished on the study, management and control of forest pests. On one hand, the involvement of the IEE in resolving queries from individuals, companies and institutions; second, the development of scientific projects supported by the Juan de la Cierva Board of Trustees and, finally, collaborations with different departments belonging of the Ministry of Agriculture. It is stated that, the lack of specialized personnel assigned to the IEE pests’ management was a serious drawback to continue the initiatives of Ceballos be developed beyond management.


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How to Cite

Martín Albaladejo, C., Notario Gómez, A., & Carrascosa Santiago, A. V. (2016). The Spanish Institute of Entomology (CSIC) and the bothered crowd. Asclepio, 68(1), p125.




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