Science and Being: Paradox and Irony at the Goethean Prometheus


  • Víctor Castillo Morquecho Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey



Ciencia, Hombre, Naturaleza, Ironía, Paradoja


The point of departure in this paper is the study of Prometheus’s figure during the European Enlightenment, in order to understand its insertion in the German context of the Sturm und Drang. The emphasis lays in Goethe’s Prometheus and the relation that this poem exposes between Knowledge, Nature, and Self-realization. Here, Prometheus represents the enlightened man who, through science, search the mediums to surpass his natural conditions and break all kind of chains (political, moral or religious chains), but the problem is that his intention is always interfered by «irrational forces». ¿What man can learn about himself in this conditions of «irony» and «paradox» expressed in the Prometheus? That is the question that we expect to response here.


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How to Cite

Castillo Morquecho, V. (2013). Science and Being: Paradox and Irony at the Goethean Prometheus. Asclepio, 65(1), p002.


