Protomedicato and Pharmacy in Castile at the End of the Sixteenth Century: Catálogo de las cosas que los boticarios han de tener en sus boticas (Catalogue of the Things that Apothecaries Must Have in their Shops), by Andrés Zamudio de Alfaro, Protomédico General (1592-1599)


  • Charles Davis Queen Mary, University of London
  • María Luz López Terrada Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero, Universitat de València-CSIC



Real Tribunal del Protomedicato, Pharmacy, Apothecaries, Sixteenth century, Andrés Zamudio de Alfaro


In this article we present a catalogue of medicinal products preserved in a manuscript copy among the papers of a druggist who died in Madrid in 1599. This catalogue, whose title expresses its normative character, contains 423 entries and is signed by Andrés Zamudio de Alfaro, Protomédico General of Castile from 1592 until his death in 1599. It was presumably issued by the Real Tribunal del Protomedicato during the last decade of the sixteenth century for the use of the protomédicos and examiners who carried out official visits to apothecaries under the aegis of the Tribunal, in accordance with the royal decrees of 1588 and 1593, and was also distributed among the apothecaries themselves and their suppliers, such as the druggist who possessed the copy edited here. The document offers valuable evidence of the policy of normalization of medical, and specifically pharmaceutical, practice imposed during this period by the State through the Protomedicato.


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How to Cite

Davis, C., & López Terrada, M. L. (2010). Protomedicato and Pharmacy in Castile at the End of the Sixteenth Century: Catálogo de las cosas que los boticarios han de tener en sus boticas (Catalogue of the Things that Apothecaries Must Have in their Shops), by Andrés Zamudio de Alfaro, Protomédico General (1592-1599). Asclepio, 62(2), 579–626.




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