Serology and venereal control at the Blood Transfusion Institute of Valencia (1937-1938): María Hervás Moncho




Blood Transfusion, Syphilis, Spanish Civil War, Valencia, María Hervás Moncho


During the Spanish Civil War, military transfusion services appeared for the first time. In Barcelona and Valencia -two of the main strongholds of the Republican rear- blood transfusion institutes were set up during the struggle. The one in Valencia had, as an annex, a serology laboratory run by María Hervás Moncho (1894-1963). Hitherto unknown to historiography, this Valencian doctor had spent a long training period at the Pasteur Institute in Paris during the 1920s under the tutelage of the prestigious immunologist Alexandre Besredka (1870-1940). The aim of this paper is to rescue the figure of María Hervás Moncho from historiographical oblivion, and to analyze her work as the leader of the laboratory of the Institute of Blood Transfusion in Valencia. Hervás was particularly interested in increasing the sensitivity of serological tests used in the diagnosis of syphilis in order to reduce the incidence of false negatives and, therefore, of possible post-transfusion infections. In order to achieve our purpose several archival, hemerographical and bibliographical sources, both manuscript and printed, have been consulted. These are enumerated in the introduction.


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How to Cite

García Ferrandis, X. ., & Arrizabalaga, J. . (2022). Serology and venereal control at the Blood Transfusion Institute of Valencia (1937-1938): María Hervás Moncho. Asclepio, 74(1), p584.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers PID2019-104581GB-I00