The contribution of spanish and foreign gas-meter companies to the gas business in spain in the latin european context (1855-1936)




Gas Meters, Gas-related Industry, 19th century, 20th century, Spain


Since 1860 consumer gas-meter manufacturers or their distributors had to submit their models to the Government for approval before selling them in Spain. Decisions were published in the official Gaceta de Madrid, thus providing posterity with a valuable record of such entities. Among them only national producers and those foreign that sooner or later started production locally are reviewed here. An account is given of their origins and developments up to 1936 when the outbreak of the Civil War completely disrupted the normal course of events. In the absence of company archives, the study relies heavily on other sources of information such as journals and notary and patent registries.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Miñana, J. . (2021). The contribution of spanish and foreign gas-meter companies to the gas business in spain in the latin european context (1855-1936). Asclepio, 73(2), p564.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020-112844GB-100

European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers PID2020-112844GB-100