The british manby engineers saga and their contribution to the gas industry in France and Spain (1776-1884)




Economic Take-off, Engineers, Foreign Capital, Gas Industry, Industrial Revolution


Aaron Manby (1776-1850) inaugurated a saga that his sons, civil engineers, too, continued: Charles (1804-1884), John Richard (1813-1869), Joseph (1814-1862), and Edward (1816-1864). They were relevant characters in 19th Century Europe, as they combined their work as engineers with an intense industrial activity, which they carried out in Great Britain, France, and Spain. The father, Aaron, was the first person to build a steel steamship in the World, in order to communicate Great Britain and France. In France he created a huge iron and steel industry in the 1820s, to build more ships using the same procedure, and he also invested in the gas industry, getting the concession to build the gas lighting of Paris. By mid-1840s his sons, Joseph and Edward, went to Spain, where they participated in the take-off of the gas industry, as well as the desiccation of lagoons, the building of the new railway lines, and the mining industry. In this article we focus on all their activities, highlighting their role in the birth of Spanish gas lighting, but we also describe the other activities in which they diversified their investments.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Paradas, M. ., & Pinto Tortosa, A. J. . (2021). The british manby engineers saga and their contribution to the gas industry in France and Spain (1776-1884). Asclepio, 73(2), p561.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020112844GB-100

European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers PID2020112844GB-100