Chemistry, pedagogy, and scientific authority: the Tratado de análisis químico by José Casares Gil (1866-1961), and the shaping of a scientific discipline


  • Ignacio Suay-Matallana CIUHCT - Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia



Textbooks, Chemistry, Scientific disciplines, Spain, 20th century


This article will explore how José Casares employed his textbooks and his recognition as expert to consolidate chemical analysis as a discipline in the Spanish universities. First, it will be shown the active role of Casares in the shaping of his textbooks. Thanks to their publications, textbook authors became trusted voices in their disciplines, promoting them in their local contexts. The study of the Casares’ treatise also shows the resources employed to establish his discipline among different publics. Secondly, the article will describe the origin and the evolution of his treatise, as well as its main shaping elements. Finally, the article will examine the strategies developed by Casares to construct a disciplinary identity for analytical chemistry in Spain.


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How to Cite

Suay-Matallana, I. (2016). Chemistry, pedagogy, and scientific authority: the Tratado de análisis químico by José Casares Gil (1866-1961), and the shaping of a scientific discipline. Asclepio, 68(2), p154.


