Petrus Van Musschenbroek (1692-1761) on the scope of physica and its place within philosophia


  • Steffen Ducheyne Vrije Universiteit Brussel



Petrus van Musschenbroek (1692-1761), Natural philosophy versus (experimental) physics, Physica, Teleology, Laws of nature, Voluntarism, Principle of sufficient reason


As a supplement to John L. Heilbron’s account, I will argue that, although the label ‘experimental physics’ can be rightfully used to describe aspects of Petrus van Musschenbroek’s (1692-1761) work, the latter’s understanding of ‘physica’ is to be situated within a broader framework in which theological, philosophical and teleological considerations continued to play an important role. First, I will draw attention to Musschenbroek’s views on the scope of physica and especially to his conception of a law of nature. It will be shown that by radicalizing certain aspects of Isaac Newton’s methodological ideas van Musschenbroek no longer considered physics as the discipline that uncovered causes from effects, as Newton did, but as the discipline that studies the effects of unknown causes. In addition, I will show that van Musschenbroek endorsed the view that the laws of nature are contingent on God’s free will and that they are knowable due to his goodness. Second, it will be argued that for van Musschenbroek physics, alongside with teleology, had clear physico-theological repercussions. Along the way, van Musschenbroek’s views on the principle of sufficient reason will be discussed for the first time.


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How to Cite

Ducheyne, S. (2016). Petrus Van Musschenbroek (1692-1761) on the scope of physica and its place within philosophia. Asclepio, 68(1), p123.


