The stigmatisation of gypsy communities in the Spanish flu pandemic. a case study across the province of Bizkaia in 1918


  • Santiago de Miguel-Salanova Grupo de Investigación Complutense Espacio, Sociedad y Cultura en la Edad Contemporánea. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Josu Hernando-Pérez Grupo de Investigación de Historia Urbana. Población y Patrimonio. Universidad del País Vasco, Museo Vasco de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia
  • Rafael Buhigas-Jimenez Grupo de Investigación Complutense Espacio, Sociedad y Cultura en la Edad Contemporánea. Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Spanish flu, Stigmatization, Roma communities, History of Medicine, Biscay


The Spanish flu pandemic that took place between 1918 and 1920 has been studied from various perspectives. However, there are social effects of the pandemic that have not yet been sufficiently explored. The stigmatization and discrimination of certain ethnically significant groups such as gypsies were the product of the prophylactic measures applied to stop the spread of the virus. The circulation and presence of the Roma communities served as an argument to explain some social and health problems. Through the specific study of the province of Biscay, this article aims to analyze the social dimension of the conflict and, at the same time, study the situation of these Roma communities in this health crisis. During the pandemic, discourses and practices aimed at controlling these ethnic groups were generated. These have historically had complex relationships with government regulations.


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How to Cite

de Miguel-Salanova, S., Hernando-Pérez, J., & Buhigas-Jimenez, R. (2023). The stigmatisation of gypsy communities in the Spanish flu pandemic. a case study across the province of Bizkaia in 1918. Asclepio, 75(1), e14.




Funding data

Comunidad de Madrid
Grant numbers PR65/19-22409

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020-116797GB-I00

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers PGC2018-096461-B-C41