Duchenne de Boulogne: the Road from Science to Art





Electrotherapy, Neurology, Photography, Scenic Arts, Psychology


The work of Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne (1806-1871) has been widely collected and analyzed. Most of his biographers highlight an extraordinary scientific and clinician, who revolutionized the field of neurology and electrotherapy. It is considered though that his most important contribution has not been sufficiently highlighted: he was the nexus of union between two fields independent until then, electrophysiology and artistic photograph. The culmination of this symbiosis is the publication of Mécanisme De La Physionomie Humaine: Où, Analyse Électro-Physiologique De L’expression Des Passions published in 1862. To the authors of the present study, the goal of Duchenne’s work was not only that of a scientific and clinician but also that of an artist, determined to reflect and unravel the mechanisms of emotion and feeling. He even intended to establish an aesthetic canon in painting and sculpture in facial expression, reflecting his ideal of beauty. His work had important repercussions in neurology and electrotherapy, in medical photography and in the development of a new scenic space: the representation of body movement provoked by electric currents, named Electric Performance Art.


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How to Cite

López Rodríguez, A. F. ., Seco Calvo, J. A. ., & Rodríguez Pérez, V. . (2022). Duchenne de Boulogne: the Road from Science to Art. Asclepio, 74(2), p607. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2022.20


