William Preyer and the origin of the term Biomechanics





History of Biomechanics, Biomechanik, first mention, first book, Vitalism and Mechanism


Many Biomechanics texts and courses begin with a historical introduction. This usually describes the contributions of a large number of people who, over many centuries, have been fundamental to the development of this science. In these presentations it is often stated that the term Biomechanik (Biomechanics) appears to have been used for the first time in 1887 by Dr. Moriz Benedikt, in Über Mathematische Morphologie und Biomechanik. However, this term was previously used by the physiologist William Preyer in 1873 and 1883. In this short article, we show these first mentions and frame them in the context of other terms, Biostatik (Biostatics) and Biodynamik (Biodynamics), used at that time. Finally, as a secondary result of the research, we found what could be the first textbook that specifically addresses Biomechanics as a new object of scientific knowledge.


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How to Cite

Muñoz, J. C. ., Vales Flores, M. del M. ., & Martín Montané, F. . (2022). William Preyer and the origin of the term Biomechanics. Asclepio, 74(2), p606. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2022.19


