Technology transfer in Latin Europe: the role of the Société Technique de l’Industrie du Gaz en France, 1895-1938




Gas, Technology Transfer, Technological Diffusion, Scientific Societies, Latin Europe


France, along with Great Britain, was the leading country in the beginnings and consolidation of the gas industry. Since the mid-nineteenth century, this country played a key role in the diffusion of coal gas production technology, especially in the Mediterranean area, where it concentrated a large volume of foreign investment. Among the underlying factors in this process, the presence of engineers and several professional associations should be highlighted. Among the latter, the Société Technique de l`Industrie du Gaz en France stands out, which was one of the main gas associations at the international level. This organization, established in 1874, brought together professionals from the sector, who acted as agents who drove international technology transfer. The aim of the article is to analyze the relevance of the association in the aforementioned process of technical diffusion, both in France and in the rest of Latin Europe (Spain, Italy, and Portugal) from the late nineteenth century to World War II, using the proceedings of its congresses as the main source.


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How to Cite

Martínez-López, A. ., & Mirás Araujo, J. . (2021). Technology transfer in Latin Europe: the role of the Société Technique de l’Industrie du Gaz en France, 1895-1938. Asclepio, 73(2), p563.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020-112844GB-100

European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers PID2020-112844GB-100