Towards a Revised History of Organisational-Activational Theory


  • Federico Nahuel Bernabé Universidad Nacional de Quilmes - Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)



Organizational-Activational Theory, Philosophy, Neuroendocrinology, Behaviour


In recent decades, behavioural neuroendocrinology has moved from a marginal area of the incipient neuroscientific revolution to a well-established discipline, to the extent that it has become the standard approach to sexual differences and differentiation in behaviour. In the general historiography of endocrinology, in discipline-specific reviews as well as in critical articles, an official history has been generated according to which Organizational-Activational Theory was founded in 1959 by W. C. Young and his collaborators when they discovered the effects of fetal testosterone on guinea pigs. This article proposes a review of that official history, starting with the works of Arnold Berthold, delving into the endocrine developments of the 1920s and 1930s and reviewing the disputes between Young and Beach in the years leading up to the publication of 1959. This review is intended to improve the historical knowledge of Organizational-Activational Theory, which in turn may help to shed light on some of the controversies surrounding biological explanations of human sexuality.


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How to Cite

Nahuel Bernabé, F. . (2020). Towards a Revised History of Organisational-Activational Theory. Asclepio, 72(2), p321.




Funding data

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Grant numbers PUNQ 1401/15;UNTREF 32/15 225;PICT 2014- 1741