The spaces of madness in eighteenth-century Tuscany. Strategies and negotiations to deal with mental afflictions




madness, interdiction procedures, social history of madness, medical knowledge, mental institutions


This study explores the different spaces where madness was recorded in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany during the eighteenth century. Drawing from interdiction procedures, criminal records, records of the police and hospital records, it proposes an approach to the history of madness based on a comprehensive analysis of the connections between the different spaces where people debated about the characteristics and consequences of madness and developed strategies to deal with it. This analytical strategy discloses that the mechanisms for dealing with madness were temporary and flexible responses that functioned as a network that could follow different courses. The study suggests that these itineraries, its agents and languages are essential to fully grasp how mental afflictions were conceived and managed in the eighteenth century. Particularly, it argues that the way they functioned gave origin to a social debate about the indicators and signs of madness that contributed to the systematization of psychiatric knowledge.


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How to Cite

Labarca Pinto, M. (2019). The spaces of madness in eighteenth-century Tuscany. Strategies and negotiations to deal with mental afflictions. Asclepio, 71(1), p250.


