Consumed workers – disabled bodies. Historical knowledge formation after the cultural turn


  • Anne Klein University of Cologne. Faculty of Human Sciences



Health, Disability, Historical Knowledge Formation, Cultural Turns


Some recent OECD-studies tackle new psychosomatic symptoms in the context of work. So we find the paradoxical situation, that although the state of health and well-being in societies grows, statistics show growing rates of burn-out syndroms together with uneasiness, addiction and non-functioning. One in five workers suffer from a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, and many more are struggling to cope. In a closer reading we can see, that the social-medical model still dominates this actual policy research, although the cultural model has gained growing recognition in the last fifteen years. But we find a double blank spot with relevance for historical knowledge formation: On the one side, studies on work that use the tool set of cultural studies can rarely be found. On the other side, disability studies that work with the cultural model are rarely tackling the working subject. Starting from this analytical point, this contribution wants to stimulate historical knowledge formation on the working subject. The epistemic perspective of this study is coined by the cultural model of disability; the methodology is based on the visual, the spatial and the linguistic turn. In studying historical artefacts like film scenes or juridical definitions, we can come to a closer understanding of how we conceptualise human beings. The thesis is, that during the 20th-century the changing “microphysics of power” (Foucault) produced new forms of subjectivation: Either, workers tried to assimilate to the “machine rhythms” or they uttered their needs in “embodied dissent”. There are multilayered facets in between. I want to develop the argumentation that the body/mind-centering seems to be at the heart of the postfordist transformation. The article concludes by underlining the possibility to read bodies as a source, an approach Bryan S. Turner has theorized in his article “Disability and the Sociology of the Body”.


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How to Cite

Klein, A. (2016). Consumed workers – disabled bodies. Historical knowledge formation after the cultural turn. Asclepio, 68(2), p150.


