Fathom the nature to create an industry: Oil survey during the exploration of John Mcleod Murphy in the isthmus of Tehuantepec, 1865


  • Francesco Gerali The University of Western Australia
  • Paolo Riguzzi Colegio Mexiquense




Oil, Bitumen, Geology, Mexico


In 1851, John McLeod Murphy was the junior officer of the U.S. Navy in charge of drafting the hydrographic report during the scientific expedition of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, directed by Major Barnard. During his survey Murphy observed the oil springs and lakes scattered around the Atlantic Plains of the Isthmus. Years later in New York, Murphy was observing with interest the massive wealth generated by petroleum; he decided to move again to the Isthmus to explore more thoroughly the area. In 1865 Murphy prepared an important feasibility study on the possibility to build oil settlements in South Veracruz. Geographic survey, topographic measurements, geological interpretation, and logistic, are some of the elements proposed by Murphy to describe the making of oil in the uncontaminated and wild Mexican natural landscapes.


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How to Cite

Gerali, F., & Riguzzi, P. (2015). Fathom the nature to create an industry: Oil survey during the exploration of John Mcleod Murphy in the isthmus of Tehuantepec, 1865. Asclepio, 67(2), p102. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2015.20



Dossier: Geology, history and culture. The earth science and the history of the geology in Mexico