Hybrid Knowledge: The Sugar Companys and the modern Sugarcane Plantation in Cuba


  • Leida Fernández Prieto Instituto de Historia, CCHS-CSIC




Sugarcane plantation, Knowledge, Sugar companys, Manuel Rionda, William Van Horne


From the studies on the production and dissemination of knowledge, this paper explores the encounter and exchange between local and global practices and knowledge within the sugar plantation between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a process defined as “hybrid knowledge”. This article echoes the studies are in the region as a model of interregional also referred. Highlights some elements of Western Cuba sugar transferred to new plantations east through negotiation between local knowledge and practices and American knowledge, not without personal, imperial, scientific or businesstensions.


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How to Cite

Fernández Prieto, L. (2015). Hybrid Knowledge: The Sugar Companys and the modern Sugarcane Plantation in Cuba. Asclepio, 67(1), p080. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2015.06


