Neuroliberalism: confrontation as a mechanism of social selection


  • Hugo E. Biagini Universidad Nacional de Lanús
  • Diego A. Fernández Peychaux Conicet



Ayn Rand, Ludwig Von Mises, Ideological Fantasy, Normalization, Subjection


This article resorts to the alternative nomenclature of ‘neuroliberalism’ to explicitly state how the hegemonical discourse of market produces an ideological fantasy which, supported by a ‘gladiatorial ethics’, redefines classical concepts of liberalism. In the first part, we shall focus on the description of neuroliberalism as theory of social selection. In the second part, we aim to specify its operativity as apparatuses of indoctrination applies to individuals vulnerable to possibility conditions beyond their control. Thus, the neoliberal globalization is cheerfully applied through the consent of individuals who are repressed by a pre-adapted satisfaction to the paradigm of the struggle for existence.


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How to Cite

Biagini, H. E., & Fernández Peychaux, D. A. (2014). Neuroliberalism: confrontation as a mechanism of social selection. Asclepio, 66(2), p057.


