Resilient modernisation: Morocco’s agency in Red Cross projects from Hassan I to the Rif Republic, 1886-1926


  • Francisco Javier Martínez-Antonio Univ. Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité



Morocco, 19th-20th centuries, Red Cross, local agency, Franco-Spanish imperialism


From the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century, Morocco’s modernizing projects included plans for signing up to the Geneva Convention and creating a local Red Cross/Crescent society. These plans initially stemmed from the convergence of Moroccan administrative/military reforms and Spanish “regenerationist” interventions. They ran parallel to developments in leading Islamic countries such as Egypt, Persia and the Ottoman Empire though they would have to wait till the country’s independence from Franco-Spanish domination in 1956 to become a reality. Beyond their lack of actual results, those early initiatives would serve as legal ground for Morocco’s “humanitarian sovereignty”, tacitly confirmed by the provisions of the Algeciras Act of 1906. In the following two decades, the resilience of this sovereignty would reveal itself in the sustained competition between the Spanish and the French Red Cross for “humanitarian hegemony” in the country, and also in the repeated and nearly successful demands to establish a local Red Cross/Crescent that were made to the International Committee of the Red Cross by the insurgent leader Abdelkrim during the so-called Rif War.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Antonio, F. J. (2014). Resilient modernisation: Morocco’s agency in Red Cross projects from Hassan I to the Rif Republic, 1886-1926. Asclepio, 66(1), p032.


