Enemies by accident, neutral on the rebound: diversity and contingency at the birth of war humanitarianism, 1862-1864


  • Guillermo Sánchez-Martínez UPNA




International humanitarian law, Red Cross, Collective action, Contingency, Henry Dunant


The historiography of the origin and early years of the movement of societies of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent is, in general, highly pervaded by a narrative whose main architect was Henry Dunant himself. So much so, in fact, that there is no satisfactory explanation as to how the attempt to develop medical a technology ended up involving the implementation of a legal technology, namely, Humanitarian Law. In an attempt to critically revise this narrative, a description is made here of that journey, providing evidence on the way in which a technology, even one as highly regarded as the 1864 Geneva Convention, may arise contingently without being intended, not even imagined, within the circles in which it emerged, through diversity interplaying as a collective action, with no need to resort to any explanatory artifice that might demand that the outcomes should actually be the result of any successful intentional route.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Martínez, G. (2014). Enemies by accident, neutral on the rebound: diversity and contingency at the birth of war humanitarianism, 1862-1864. Asclepio, 66(1), p028. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2014.02


