Trade journals as fundamental sources for Caribbean sugar histories: Le Journal des Fabricants de Sucre, The Sugar Cane and the Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer


  • Humberto García Muñiz Instituto de Estudios del Caribe, Universidad de Puerto Rico



Caribbean history, Sugar, Sugar cane, Trade journals, Sugar journals, Commodity chain, Commercial publications, Central factory, Sugar central, Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer, The Sugar Cane, Le Journal des Fabricants de Sucre


This articule highlights the importance of sugar trade journals from the second half of the 19th century and the first of the 20th century, such as the US-Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer, British-The Sugar Cane, and French- Le Journal des Fabricants de Sucre. Their abundant and trustworty coverage of Caribbean sugar production, processing and marketing (namely, the commodity chain) makes them an indispensable source for Caribbean sugar histories. The paper centres on the Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer as a case study by explaining its establishment and international expansion, clientele, and its coverage of the Caribbean, particularly Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico but also with references to the British, Danish, Dutch and French Caribbean.


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How to Cite

García Muñiz, H. (2015). Trade journals as fundamental sources for Caribbean sugar histories: Le Journal des Fabricants de Sucre, The Sugar Cane and the Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer. Asclepio, 67(1), p079.


