On ‘war task’ and ‘peace work’. The Dutch East Indies Red Cross between the colonial wars and the Second World War


  • Leo van Bergen Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies [KITLV]




Red Cross, colonialism, humanitarian aid, Dutch East Indies, First World War, Inter war period


After the wars against Atjeh (1873-1907) finished, Dutch rule over the Dutch East India was total. The Dutch East Indies Red Cross (DEIRC) awaited a new task, preparing to give aid in the case of a foreign invasion. The problem was that the end of the wars against the autochthonous “rebellions” also meant the end of Red Cross visibility and in the minds of many, the end to Red Cross urgency. Aid in wars against a real opponent is from a point of public relations much more important than the preparation of aid against an unknown opponent. “Work in times of peace” had to be the answer to this problem, but this work was only in name, and not de facto different from preparation of aid in times of war. Through “peace work” the DEIRC prepared itself for the war-task. To be able to fulfil the war-task the Red Cross had to have enough doctors, nurses, and stretcher-bearers. Visible peace-work had to provide for that. It enlarged the Red Cross’ popularity and trained its volunteers. However, at the beginning of 1942, when the Japanese invaded the Dutch East Indies, it turned out to be too little, too late.


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How to Cite

van Bergen, L. (2014). On ‘war task’ and ‘peace work’. The Dutch East Indies Red Cross between the colonial wars and the Second World War. Asclepio, 66(1), p031. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2014.05


