Breen, Benjamin. The Age of Intoxication. Origins of the Global Drug Trade. Filadelfia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019, 279 pp. [ISBN: 9780812251784 (tapa dura), 9780812224986 (tapa blanda), 9780812296624 (eBook)]




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Escohotado, Antonio (1989), Historia general de las drogas, Madrid, Alianza.

Jay, Mike (2010), High Society. Mind-Altering Drugs in History and Culture, Londres, Thames & Hudson.

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Zheng Yangwen (2005), The Social Life of Opium in China, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.



How to Cite

Permanyer Ugartemendia, A. (2023). Breen, Benjamin. The Age of Intoxication. Origins of the Global Drug Trade. Filadelfia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019, 279 pp. [ISBN: 9780812251784 (tapa dura), 9780812224986 (tapa blanda), 9780812296624 (eBook)]. Asclepio, 75(1), e21.



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